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  • Berkowska, M., & Dalla Bella, S. (2009). Acquired and congenital disorders of sung performance: A review. Advances in cognitive psychology, 5, 69–83.   

  • Carding PN, Roulstone S, Northstone K, ALSPAC study team. The prevalence of childhood dysphonia: a cross-sectional study. Journal of Voice. 2006, 20, 623-630. 

  • Casper M, Abramson AL, Forman-Franco B. Hoarseness in children: summer camp study. Internationel Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. 1981, 3, 85-89. 

  • Dahlbäck, Katharina (2011). Musik och språk i samverkan: en aktionsforskningsstudie i åk 1. Licentiatavhandling Göteborg: Göteborgs universitet, 2011. Elektronisk resurs:     

  • Dalla Bella, S., & Peretz, I. (2007). Singing proficiency in the general population. The journal of the acoustical society of America, 121(2), 1182-1189.   

  • Ehrlin, Anna (2012). Att lära av och med varandra en etnografisk studie av musik i förskolan i en flerspråkig miljö. Diss. Örebro : Örebro universitet. Tillgänglig på Internet: 

  • Enflo, L., Sundberg J., McAllister, A. (2013).  Collision and phonation threshold pressures before and after loud, prolonged vocalization in trained and untrained voices. Journal of Voice, 27, 5, 527-30. 

  • Enflo, L., Sundberg J., Romedahl, C., McAllister, A. (2013). Effects of tube phonation on the collision and phonation threshold pressures. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. 56, 5, 1530-38. 

  • Fagius, Gunnel och Fagius, Jan (2022). Hemisfärernas musik – ur barnets perspektiv. Socialmedicinsk tidskrift, 5-6, 684-696. Tillgänglig på Internet  

  • Flodin, Ann Mari (1998). Sångskatten som socialt minne: en pedagogisk studie av en samling skolsånger. Diss. Stockholm : Univ. Tillgänglig på Internet: 

  • Good, A., and Russo, F. A. (2016). Singing promotes cooperation in a diverse group of children. Social Psychology, 47, 340–344.  

  • Gustafsson, Jonas (2000). Så ska det låta: studier av det musikpedagogiska fältets framväxt i Sverige 1900-1965. Diss. Uppsala : Univ. 

  • Habibi, A., Cahn, B. R., Damasio, A., and Damasio, H. (2016). Neural correlates of accelerated auditory processing in children engaged in music training. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 21, 1–14. 

  • Habibi, A., Damasio, A., Ilari, B., Veiga, R., Joshi, A. A., Leahy, R. M., et al. (2018). Childhood music training induces change in micro and macroscopic brain structure: results from a longitudinal study. Cerebral Cortex, 2, 4336–47.  

  • Hentschel, L. (2017). Sångsituationer – En fenomenologisk studie av sång i musikämnet under grundskolans senare år. (Doktorsavhandling.) Umeå universitet. Tillgänglig: 

  • Hirano M, Kurita S, Nakashima T. (1983). Growth, development and aging of human vocal folds. In: Bless D, Abbs J, (ed.). Vocal Fold Physiology. San Diego: College Hill Press; 22-43.  

  • Hofvander Trulsson, Ylva (2010). Musikaliskt lärande som social rekonstruktion musikens och ursprungets betydelse för föräldrar med utländsk bakgrund. Diss. Lund: Lunds universitet. Tillgänglig på Internet:  

  • Hofvander Trulsson, Y. (2010). Musical Upbringing in the Eyes of Immigrant Parents. Finnish Journal of Music Education (FJME), 13 (1), 25-38.  

  • Hofvander Trulsson, Y. (2019). Musik, Vielfalt und Integration. Diskussion Musikpädagogik 82/19, 42-49.  

  • Holmberg, Y. (2021). Undervisning i förskola utifrån ett didaktiskt informerat upplägg med musik i fokus. I Vallberg Roth, Ann-Christine. Flerstämmig undervisning i förskola. Flerstämmig didaktisk modellering. Stockholm: IFOUS, 71-90. Tillgänglig på Internet:  

  • Holmberg, Y. (2022). Didaktik informed teaching arrangements in preschool exemplified by multivocal music teaching using digital technology as a tool. Educare, 2, 102–140. 

  • Holmberg, Y., & Vallberg-Roth, A.-C. (2018). Flerstämmig musikundervisning i förskola. Barn, 36(3-4), 79-94. 

  • Holmberg, Y. & Vallberg Roth, A.-C. (2022). Characteristics of teaching music in preschool: The written descriptions of Swedish preschool teachers and principals. The Finnish Journal of Music Education. Vol 25 (1), 29-52. 

  • Holmberg, Y. C., & Vallberg-Roth, A.-C. (2022). Post-structurally and didaktically informed teaching arrangements in preschool – exemplified by “rhythmatechs” as multivocal teaching. Educare, (2), 212–248. 

  • Johnson, D. (2020). The decline of singing in compulsory Swedish music education: an historical survey of curricula from 1955 to the present. In Van der Sandt, J. (ed.). Singing with Children: International perspectives. LIM, 227-237.  

  • Johnson, David (2021). Raising voices: singing repertoire and practices in Swedish schools. Diss. Lund: Lunds universitet. Tillgänglig på Internet: 

  • Kahane J. (1982). Growth of the human prepubertal and pubertal larynx. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 25, 446-455. 

  • Kirschner, S., and Tomasello, M. 2010. Joint music making promotes prosocial behavior in 4-year-old children. Evolution and Human Behavior, 31, 354–64. 

  • Kraus, N., and Chandrasekaran, B. (2010). Music training for the development of auditory skills. Nature Reviews. Neuroscience, 11, 599–605.  

  • Kullenberg, Tina (2014). Signing and singing children in teaching dialogues. Diss. Göteborg : Göteborgs universitet. Tillgänglig på Internet: 

  • Lagerberg, T., Holm, K., McAllister, A., Strömbergsson, S. (2021). Measuring intelligibility in spontaneous speech using syllables perceived as understood. Journal of Communication Disorders, 1-12. 

  • Leighton, G., & Lamont, A. (2006). Exploring children’s singing development: Do experiences in early schooling help or hinder?. Music Education Research, 8(3), 311-330.  

  • Leijonhufvud, Susanna (2011). Sångupplevelse - en klingade bekräftelse på min existens i världen en fenomenologisk undersökning ur första-person-perspektiv. Lic.-avh. Stockholm : Kungl. Musikhögskolan i Stockholm, Stockholms universitet. Tillgänglig på Internet: 

  • Lewis, A. et al. (2016) Singing for Lung Health-a systematic review of the literature and consensus statement. NPJ primary care respiratory medicine. [Online] 26 (1). 

  • Liljas, Juvas Marianne (2007). "Vad månde blifva af dessa barnen?": en studie av David Björlings pedagogik och dess bakgrund i äldre sångundervisningstraditioner. Diss. Stockholm : Stockholms universitet. 

  • Lindström, Dorota (2006). Sjung, sjung för livet!. en studie av körsång som pedagogisk verksamhet och av deltagarnas upplevelse av hälsa och livskvalitet. Lic.-avh. Luleå : Luleå tekniska univ. Tillgänglig på Internet: 

  • Lindström, F, Persson Waye, K, Södersten, M, McAllister, A, Ternström, S. (2011). Observations of the relationship between noise exposure and pre-school teachers voice usage in day-care center environments. Journal of Voice, 25, 2, 166-72. 

  • Lundeborg I, Andersson M, Wiman S, McAllister A. (2012). Voice onset time in Swedish children and adults. Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology, 37, 3, 117-122. 

  • Lundeborg I, Hultcrantz E, Ericsson E, McAllister, A (2012).  Acoustic and perceptual aspects of vocal function in children with adenotonsillar hypertrophy. Effects of surgery. Journal of Voice, 26(4), 480-487. 

  • Lundeborg I, Nordin, E., Zeipel-Stjerna, M., McAllister A. (2015). Voice onset time in Swedish children with phonological impairment. Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology, 40(4), 149-55.  

  • Malmenholt, A., McAllister, A., Lohmander, A. (2019). Orofacial function, articulation proficiency, and intelligibility in 5-year-old children born with cleft lip and palate. The Cleft palate-craniofacial journal, 56(3), 321-330. 

  • McAllister, A., Sederholm, E., Sundberg, J., Gramming, P. (1994). Relations between Voice Range Profiles and Physiological and Perceptual Voice Characteristics in Ten-year-old children. Journal of Voice, 3, 230-239. 

  • McAllister, A., Sederholm, E., Ternström, S., Sundberg, J. (1996). Perturbation and Hoarseness: A pilot study of six children’s voices. Journal of Voice. 10, 252-261. 

  • McAllister, A., Sundberg, J, Hibi S. (1998). Acoustic measurements and perceptual evaluation of hoarseness in children’s voices. Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology, 23, 27-38. 

  • McAllister, A., Sundberg, J. (1998): Data on subglottal pressure and SPL at varied vocal loudness and pitch in 8-11 year old children. Journal of Voice, 12, 166-174. 

  • McAllister, A. (2000). Voice range profile data on 10-year-old school children. I White, Peta (red.). Child voice: papers emanating from an international symposium arranged by the the KTH Voice Research Center held at KTH, Stockholm. Stockholm: KTH Voice Research Centre, Department of Speech, Music & Hearing, KTH, 75– 84. 

  • McAllister, A. (2000). Physiological and perceptual voice characteristics in ten-year-old girls as manifested in voice range profiles. In C. Woods, G.Luck, R. Brochard, F. Seddon, & J. A. Sloboda (eds.) Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition. Keele, UK: Keele Univ, Dept of Psych. 

  • McAllister, A., Sederholm, E., Sundberg, J. (2000): Perceptual and Acoustic Analysis of Vocal Registers in 10-year-old Children. Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology, 25, 63-71. 

  • McAllister, A. (2003). Voice disorders in children with oral motor dysfunction: perceptual evaluation pre and post oral motor therapy. Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology, 28, 117-125. 

  • McAllister, A., Granqvist, S. Sjölander, P. Sundberg, J. (2009). Child voice and noise: A pilot study of the effect of a day at the day-care on ten children’s voice quality according to perceptual evaluation. Journal of Voice, 23(5), 587-93.  

  • McAllister, A., Kofoed Brandt, S. (2012). A comparison of recordings of sentences and spontaneous speech: perceptual and acoustic measures in pre-school children’s’ voices. Journal of Voice, 26(5), 673 – 677.  

  • McAllister, A., Sjölander, P. (2013). Children's Voice and Voice Disorders. Seminars in Speech and Language. 34, 71–79. 

  • McAllister, A., Rantala, L., Jóhnsdóttir, V. (2019) The others are too loud. Children’s experiences and ideas related to voice, noise and communication in Nordic preschools.  Frontiers in psychology, 1-13. 

  • Mogren, Å., McAllister, A., Sjögreen. (2022). Range of motion (ROM) in the lips and jaw during vowels assessed with 3D motion analysis in Swedish children with typical speech development and children with speech sound disorders. Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology, 47, 4, 219–229. 

  • Netterstad, Märta (1982). Så sjöng barnen förr: textmaterialet i de svenska skolsångböckerna 1842–1972. Diss. Stockholm: Rabén & Sjögren. 

  • Nienkerke-Springer, A., McAllister, A., Sundberg, J. (2005). Effects of family therapy on children’s voices. Journal of Voice, 19:1, 103-113. 

  • Pabon, P., McAllister, A., Sederholm, E., Sundberg, J. (2000): Dynamics and voice quality information in the computer phonetograms of children’s voices. In White, Peta (ed.). Child Voice. KTH, Voice Center, 85– 100.  

  • Papageorgi, I., Saunders, J., Himonides, E., Welch, G. (2022). Singing and Social Identity in Young Children. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 1-13. 

  • Paulsson, Kajsa (2006). Nu så ska du få höra: svenska musikfonogram för barn 1904-1980. Diss. Göteborg: Göteborgs universitet. 

  • Rabinowitch, T.-C., Cross, I., and Burnard, P. (2013). Long-term musical group interaction has a positive influence on empathy in children. Psychology of Music, 41, 484–498. 

  • Rutkowski, J. (1990). The measurement and evaluation of children’s singing development. The Quarterly: Center for Research in Music Learning and Teaching, 1(1-2), 81-95.  

  • Ryner, Birgitta (2004). Vad ska vi sjunga? En musikpedagogisk diskurs om tiden mellan två världskrig. Diss. Centrum för musikpedagogisk forskning. KMH. 

  • Saltari, R., Welch, G. (2022). Exploring the culture of Greek children’s musical games in the school playground: An ethnographic study. Research Studies in Music Education, 1-15. 

  • Sandberg Jurström, Ragnhild (2009). Att ge form åt musikaliska gestaltningar. En socialsemiotisk studie av körledares multimodala kommunikation i kör. Diss. Göteborgs universitet. 

  • Saunders, J., Papageorgi, E., Himonides, J., Rinta, T. & Welch G. F. (2011). Researching the impact of the National Singing Programme 'Sing Up' in England: diverse approaches to successful singing in primary settings: evidence from the Chorister Outreach Programme and other Sing Up schools (2009-2010). International Music Education Research Centre, University of London. 

  • Schellenberg, E. G., Corrigall, K. A., Dys, S. P., and Malti, T. (2015). Group music training and children’s prosocial skills. PL o S One, 10, e0141449.  

  • Sederholm, E., McAllister, A., Sundberg, J., & Dalkvist, J. (1993): Perceptual Analysis of Hoarseness Using Continuous Scales. Scandinavian Journal of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, 18, 73-82. 

  • Sederholm, E., McAllister, A., Dalkvist, J., Sundberg, J. (1995). Aetiologic factors associated with hoarseness in ten-year-old children. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 5, 262-278.  

  • Sederholm, E., McAllister, A. (2000). Group therapy for dysphonic children. In White, Peta (ed.). Child Voice. KTH Voice Center, 143–147. 

  • Shield B, Dockrell JE (2004). External and internal noise surveys of London primary schools. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 115, 730-738.  

  • Sjölander, P. (2003). Perceptual relevance of the 5 kHz spectral region to sex identification in children’s singing voices. In Bresin, R (ed.). Proceedings SMAC03: Paper presented at Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference, 503-506. 

  • Strömbergsson S, Edlund J, McAllister A, Lagerberg T. (2021). Understanding acceptability of disordered speech through Audience Response Systems-based evaluation. Speech Communication, 131, 13-22. 

  • Strömbergsson S, Holm K, Edlund J, Lagerberg T, McAllister A. (2020). Audience Response System-Based Evaluation of Intelligibility of Children's Connected Speech - Validity, Reliability and Listener Differences. Journal of Communication Disorders, Sep-Oct 2020, 87, 106037. 

  • Truchon-Gagnon C, He´tu R (1988). Noise in day-care centers for children. Noise Control Engineering Journal, 30, 57-64. 

  • Uddén, Berit (2001). Musisk pedagogik med kunskapande barn. Vad Fröbel visste om visan som tolkande medel i barndomens studiedialog. Diss. Centrum för musikpedagogisk forskning. KMH. 

  • Ullsten, Alexandra (2019). Singing, sharing, soothing: family-centred music therapy during painful procedures in neonatal care. Diss. (sammanfattning) Örebro: Örebro universitet. 

  • Wassrin, Maria (2016). Towards musicking in a public sphere: 1-3 year olds and music pedagogues negotiating a music didactic identity in a Swedish preschool. Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm: Stockholms universitet. Tillgänglig på Internet: 

  • Welch, G.F. (1986). A Developmental View of Children's Singing. British Journal of Music Education, 3 (3), 295 – 303. 

  • Welch, G.F. (1996). The Singing Competencies of Five-Year-Old Developing Singers. Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, 155–161.  

  • Welch, G.F. (2005). Singing as communication. In D. Miell, R. MacDonald, acDonald, & D. Hargreaves Hargreaves (eds), Musical Communication, 239-259. 

  • Welch, G. (2022). Reflections on the concept of musical development. British Journal of Music Education, 39(1), 92-105. 

  • Welch, G. F., Himonides, G., Saunders, J., Papageorgi, I., Vraka, M., Preti, C., & Stephens, C. (2009). Researching the second year of the National Singing Program in England: an ongoing impact evaluation of children’s singing behavior and identity. International Music Education Research Centre, University of London. 

  • Welch, Graham F, Himonides, Evangelos, Saunders, Jo, Papageorgi, Ioulia and Sarazin, Marc. Singing and social inclusion. Frontiers in Psychology, 29 July 2014, 1-12.  

  • Welch, G. F., Howard, D. M., & Rush, C. (1989). Real-time Visual Feedback in the Development of Vocal Pitch Accuracy in Singing. Psychology of Music, 17(2), 146–157. 

  • Welch, G., Saunders, J., Papageorgi, I., Himonides, E. (2012). Sex, gender and singing development: Making a positive difference to boys? singing through a national programme in England. In Perspectives on Males and Singing. London: Springer, 27-43. 

  • Whidden C. (2010). Understanding social-cultural influences affecting non-participation in singing. UNESCO Observatory E-Journal Multi-Disciplinary Research in the Arts, 2(1), 1–15.